Michele Cardinal Giordano, Archbishop Emeritus of Napoli {Naples}, Italy, has died.
He was 80 years old and had served as a priest for 57 years. He had also served as a bishop for 38 years and served as a cardinal for 22 years.
May he rest in peace.
Announcements of recent changes in the hierarchy of the Catholic Church. This blog serves as a supplement to the main Catholic-Hierarchy website. Note: this blog and the website are NOT officially sanctioned or approved by any church authority.
03 December 2010
Blog Archive
- Ruiz Martorell named Huesca and Jaca Bishop
- Morga Iruzubieta named Clergy Secretary
- Bartolucci named Causes of Saints Secretary
- Compaoré retired, Sayaogo named Managa Bishop
- Palánki named Eger Auxiliary
- Hon Tai-Fai named Evangelization of Peoples Secretary
- Slattery named Pretoria Archbishop
- Gabuza named Kimberley Bishop
- Marquez named Joaçaba Bishop
- Girardi named Porto Alegre Auxiliary
- Chacorowski named São Luís do Maranhão Auxiliary
- San Diego retired as Pasig Bishop
- Mennini named Great Britain Nuncio
- Karikkassery named Kottapuram Bishop
- Gómez Sierra named Sevilla Auxiliary
- Angkyier named Damongo Bishop
- Beltran retired, Coakley named Oklahoma City Archb...
- Erected: Diocese of Camaçari, Brazil; Petrini name...
- Menezes da Silva named Barreiras Bishop
- Espinoza Jiménez named Morelia Auxiliary
- Errázuriz Ossa retired, Ezzati Andrello named Sant...
- Ciattini named Massa Marittima-Piombino Bishop
- Gilmore resigned, Brungardt named Dodge City Bishop
- Random Cardinal Charts III
- Chiarinelli retired, Fumagalli named Viterbo Bishop
- Heim retired, Santin named Itaituba Prelate
- Rojas López named Tabasco Bishop
- Bishop Steinbock died
- Guzdek named Poland Military Bishop
- Koitz retired, Bongartz named Hildesheim Auxiliary
- Devellerez Thaung Shwe retired, Pyone Cho named Py...
- Zekorn named Münster Auxiliary
- Borobia Isasa retired as Toledo Auxiliary
- Cardinal Giordano died
- A Gathering in Rome
- Smith retired, O’Connell succeeded as Trenton Bishop
- Hermann retired, Rice named St. Louis Auxiliary
- Songasonga Mwitwa resigned, Tafunga Mbayo succeede...