Archbishop-elect Jean-Marie Speich was named Apostolic Nuncio to Ghana and titular archbishop of Sulci.
The post had been vacant since Archbishop Léon Kalenga Badikebele was named Apostolic Nuncio to El Salvador in February 2013.
Announcements of recent changes in the hierarchy of the Catholic Church. This blog serves as a supplement to the main Catholic-Hierarchy website. Note: this blog and the website are NOT officially sanctioned or approved by any church authority.
17 August 2013
Blog Archive
- Bertone retired, Parolin named Secretary of State
- Linares Sandoval retired, Azuaje Ayala named Barin...
- Puthenveettil named Ernakulam-Angamaly Auxiliary
- Wesołowski resigned as Dominican Republic Nuncio
- Vu Dình Hiêu succeeded as Bùi Chu Bishop
- Speich named Ghana Nuncio
- Salameh named Argentina (Melkite Greek) Exarch
- Pelvi retired as Italy Military Archbishop
- Sankalé resigned as Nice Bishop
- Krajewski named Almoner
- Pozzo named Ecclesia Dei Secretary