Announcements of recent changes in the hierarchy of the Catholic Church. This blog serves as a supplement to the main Catholic-Hierarchy website. Note: this blog and the website are NOT officially sanctioned or approved by any church authority.
28 February 2011
Corral Mantilla retired as Riobamba Bishop
Bishop Victor Alejandro Corral Mantilla retired as Bishop of Riobamba, Ecuador.
26 February 2011
25 February 2011
Waltersheid named Pittsburgh Auxiliary
Bishop-elect William J. Waltersheid was named Auxiliary Bishop of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA and titular bishop of California.
24 February 2011
23 February 2011
Victor retired as Brasilia Auxiliary
Bishop Francisco de Paula Victor retired as Auxiliary Bishop of Brasília, Distrito Federal, Brazil.
22 February 2011
Lona retired, Martínez Perea succeeded as San Luis Bishop
Bishop Jorge Luis Lona retired and Bishop Pedro Daniel Martínez Perea succeeded as Bishop of San Luis, Argentina.
Bishop Martínez Perea had been serving as Coadjutor Bishop of the same diocese.
Bishop Martínez Perea had been serving as Coadjutor Bishop of the same diocese.
Adams named Greece Nuncio
Archbishop Edward Joseph Adams was named Apostolic Nuncio to Greece.
He had been serving as Apostolic Nuncio to Philippines.
He had been serving as Apostolic Nuncio to Philippines.
Kalathiparambil named Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People Secretary
Bishop Joseph (Joy) Kalathiparambil was named Secretary of the Pontifical Council for Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People.
The post had been vacant since the resignation of Archbishop Agostino Marchetto in August 2010.
Bishop Kalathiparambil had been serving as Bishop of Calicut, India.
The post had been vacant since the resignation of Archbishop Agostino Marchetto in August 2010.
Bishop Kalathiparambil had been serving as Bishop of Calicut, India.
Tremblay retired, Lemay named Amos Bishop
Bishop Eugène Tremblay retired and Bishop Gilles Lemay was named Bishop of Amos, Québec, Canada.
Bishop Lemay had been serving as Auxiliary Bishop of Québec.
Bishop Lemay had been serving as Auxiliary Bishop of Québec.
Lacroix named Québec Archbishop
Archbishop-designate Gérald Cyprien Lacroix, I.S.P.X. was named Archbishop of Québec, Canada.
The archdiocese had been vacant since then-Archbishop Marc Ouellet, P.S.S. was named Prefect of the Congregation for Bishops in June 2010.
Archbishop-designate Lacroix had been serving as Auxiliary Bishop of the same archdiocese.
The archdiocese had been vacant since then-Archbishop Marc Ouellet, P.S.S. was named Prefect of the Congregation for Bishops in June 2010.
Archbishop-designate Lacroix had been serving as Auxiliary Bishop of the same archdiocese.
Hudsyn, Kockerols, and Lemmens named Mechelen-Brussel Auxiliaries
Bishop-elect Jean-Luc Hudsyn, Bishop-elect Jean Kockerols, and Bishop-elect Léon Lemmens were all named Auxiliary Bishops of Mechelen-Brussel {Malines-Brussels}, Belgium and titular bishops of Apt, Ypres, and Municipa, respectively.
21 February 2011
Six Cardinal-Deacons become Cardinal-Priests
The six remaining Cardinal-Deacons that were created in the consistory of 21 Feb 2001 were today all elevated to Cardinal-Priests with each retaining the same title.
The six are: Cardinals Cacciavillan, Grocholewski, Kasper, Mejía, Sebastiani, and Tucci.
There are now 10 Cardinal-Bishops, 158 Cardinal-Priests, and 33 Cardinal-Deacons for a total of 201 living cardinals. Of those, 117 are eligible to vote in a conclave should one be required. 6 more cardinals will turn 80 and lose their eligibility to vote before the end of this year (including Cardinal Sebastiani who was elevated today).
The six are: Cardinals Cacciavillan, Grocholewski, Kasper, Mejía, Sebastiani, and Tucci.
There are now 10 Cardinal-Bishops, 158 Cardinal-Priests, and 33 Cardinal-Deacons for a total of 201 living cardinals. Of those, 117 are eligible to vote in a conclave should one be required. 6 more cardinals will turn 80 and lose their eligibility to vote before the end of this year (including Cardinal Sebastiani who was elevated today).
20 February 2011
Version 2.6.8 and a General Refresh
I'm happy to release a new version (2.6.8) of the main code along with an update to the build system (1.8.2). This was the first change to the build system since September 2003.
Just to explain that a bit, the main code (web.ssl) does most of the actual work (like generating a web page), the build system (build.ssl) controls the overall process.
The changes are almost all internal, relating mostly to expanding some variables that had reached their limits (i.e., the web site had simply grown too big) and adjusting the meaning of some others. As always, it is certainly possible that I've broken something else in the process, so if you see something really odd, please let me know.
For those that really watch the site closely, the Build Detail pages will have a few enhancements. (The lists of which bishops, dioceses, etc. were updated will still normally be included except for when the build is a "full" refresh.)
The other big event this weekend was a full refresh of the web site (44,660 web pages). (The site itself is slightly larger than that because it includes a few non-automated web pages.) That build is complete, but it may take a day or so to get it all uploaded.
The full build this time took a bit over 11 hours (which is part of the reason I don't do them very often!). I should note however, that is a vast improvement over the last successful full build which was done in April 2004 and took roughly 88 hours (and that was with about half the number of bishops on the site).
The full build before that took about the same length of time as the new one. It was in September 2003 and took just under 12 hours. But the site at that time was much simpler, it had just begun to add Bishop Lineages and it didn't yet have Titular Dioceses, Cardinal Titles, any of the Structured Views, nor any Consistory, Conclave, or Council information. At that time there were less than 14,000 bishops (vs over 30,000 now).
Just to explain that a bit, the main code (web.ssl) does most of the actual work (like generating a web page), the build system (build.ssl) controls the overall process.
The changes are almost all internal, relating mostly to expanding some variables that had reached their limits (i.e., the web site had simply grown too big) and adjusting the meaning of some others. As always, it is certainly possible that I've broken something else in the process, so if you see something really odd, please let me know.
For those that really watch the site closely, the Build Detail pages will have a few enhancements. (The lists of which bishops, dioceses, etc. were updated will still normally be included except for when the build is a "full" refresh.)
The other big event this weekend was a full refresh of the web site (44,660 web pages). (The site itself is slightly larger than that because it includes a few non-automated web pages.) That build is complete, but it may take a day or so to get it all uploaded.
The full build this time took a bit over 11 hours (which is part of the reason I don't do them very often!). I should note however, that is a vast improvement over the last successful full build which was done in April 2004 and took roughly 88 hours (and that was with about half the number of bishops on the site).
The full build before that took about the same length of time as the new one. It was in September 2003 and took just under 12 hours. But the site at that time was much simpler, it had just begun to add Bishop Lineages and it didn't yet have Titular Dioceses, Cardinal Titles, any of the Structured Views, nor any Consistory, Conclave, or Council information. At that time there were less than 14,000 bishops (vs over 30,000 now).
19 February 2011
Jurkovič named Russian Federation Nuncio
Archbishop Ivan Jurkovič was named Apostolic Nuncio to Russian Federation.
The post had been vacant since Archbishop Antonio Mennini was named Apostolic Nuncio to Great Britain in December 2010.
Archbishop Jurkovič had been serving as Apostolic Nuncio to Ukraine.
The post had been vacant since Archbishop Antonio Mennini was named Apostolic Nuncio to Great Britain in December 2010.
Archbishop Jurkovič had been serving as Apostolic Nuncio to Ukraine.
Nsue Edjang Mayé named Ebebiyin Bishop
Bishop-elect Juan Nsue Edjang Mayé was named Bishop of Ebebiyin, Equatorial Guinea.
The diocese had been vacant since the death of Bishop Alfred Maria Oburu Asue, C.M.F. in August 2006.
The diocese had been vacant since the death of Bishop Alfred Maria Oburu Asue, C.M.F. in August 2006.
D’Annibale named Río Gallegos Auxiliary
Bishop-elect Miguel Ángel D’Annibale was named Auxiliary Bishop of Río Gallegos, Argentina and titular bishop of Nasai.
18 February 2011
Mamza named Yola Bishop
Bishop-elect Stephen Dami Mamza was named Bishop of Yola, Nigeria.
The diocese had been vacant since the death of Bishop Christopher Shaman Abba in January 2010.
The diocese had been vacant since the death of Bishop Christopher Shaman Abba in January 2010.
Alves de Souza named Porto Auxiliary
Bishop-elect Pio Gonçalo Alves de Souza was named Auxiliary Bishop of Porto, Portugal and titular bishop of Aquae Flaviae.
16 February 2011
Gonçalves Heleno retired, Messias de Oliveira named Caratinga Bishop
Bishop Hélio Gonçalves Heleno retired and Bishop Emanuel Messias de Oliveira was named Bishop of Caratinga, Minas Gerais, Brazil.
Bishop Messias de Oliveira had been serving as Bishop of Guanhães.
Bishop Messias de Oliveira had been serving as Bishop of Guanhães.
Falcão de Barros named Brazil, Military Auxiliary
Bishop-elect José Francisco Falcão de Barros was named Auxiliary Bishop of Brazil, Military and titular bishop of Augurus.
Mendes Tavares named Belém do Pará Auxiliary
Bishop-elect Teodoro Mendes Tavares, C.S.Sp. was named Auxiliary Bishop of Belém do Pará, Para, Brazil and titular bishop of Verbe.
15 February 2011
12 February 2011
Francis retired, Zeigler succeeded as Monrovia Archbishop
Archbishop Michael Kpakala Francis retired and Archbishop Lewis Zeigler succeeded as Archbishop of Monrovia, Liberia.
Archbishop Zeigler had been serving as Coadjutor Archbishop of the same archdiocese.
Archbishop Zeigler had been serving as Coadjutor Archbishop of the same archdiocese.
11 February 2011
Cheenath retired, Barwa named Cuttack-Bhubaneswar Archbishop
Archbishop Raphael Cheenath, S.V.D. retired and Archbishop-designate John Barwa, S.V.D. was named Archbishop of Cuttack-Bhubaneswar, India.
Archbishop-designate Barwa had been serving as Bishop of Rourkela.
Archbishop-designate Barwa had been serving as Bishop of Rourkela.
Impfondo, Congo elevated, Gardin named Bishop
The Prefecture Apostolic of Likouala was elevated into the Diocese of Impfondo, Congo. The ordinary, Bishop-elect Jean Gardin, C.S.Sp., was named its first bishop.
Abagna Mossa named Owando Bishop
Bishop-elect Victor Abagna Mossa was named Bishop of Owando, Congo.
The diocese had been vacant since the death of Bishop Ernest Kombo, S.J. in October 2008.
The diocese had been vacant since the death of Bishop Ernest Kombo, S.J. in October 2008.
10 February 2011
Husar retires as Kyiv-Halyč Major Archbishop
Lubomyr Cardinal Husar retired as Major Archbishop of Kyiv-Halyč {Kiev} (Ukrainian), Ukraine.
Janusz named Slovenia Nuncio
Archbishop Juliusz Janusz was named Apostolic Nuncio to Slovenia.
Archbishop Janusz had been serving as Apostolic Nuncio to Hungary.
Archbishop Janusz had been serving as Apostolic Nuncio to Hungary.
09 February 2011
Lilongwe elevated to Archdiocese, Sainte-Marie named Archbishop
The diocese of Lilongwe, Malawi was elevated to an Archdiocese. Its ordinary, Rémi Joseph Gustave Sainte-Marie, M. Afr., was named its first Archbishop.
08 February 2011
Vecchi retired as Bologna Auxiliary
Bishop Ernesto Vecchi retired as Auxiliary Bishop of Bologna, Italy.
07 February 2011
Lee Seong-hyo named Suwon Auxiliary
Bishop-elect Linus Lee Seong-hyo was named Auxiliary Bishop of Suwon, Korea (South) and titular bishop of Turris Tamalleni.
05 February 2011
Schneider named Maria Santissima in Astana Auxiliary
Bishop Athanasius Schneider, O.R.C. was named Auxiliary Bishop of Maria Santissima in Astana, Kazakhstan.
Bishop Schneider had been serving as Auxiliary Bishop of Karaganda.
Bishop Schneider had been serving as Auxiliary Bishop of Karaganda.
Lenga resigned, Kaleta named Karaganda Bishop
Bishop Jan Paweł Lenga, M.I.C. resigned and Bishop Janusz Kaleta was named Bishop of Karaganda, Kazakhstan.
Bishop Kaleta continues to serve as Apostolic Administrator of Atyrau.
Bishop Kaleta continues to serve as Apostolic Administrator of Atyrau.
03 February 2011
Kramberger resigned, Turnšek succeeded as Maribor Archbishop
Archbishop Franc Kramberger resigned and Archbishop Marjan Turnšek succeeded as Archbishop of Maribor, Slovenia.
Archbishop Turnšek had been serving as Coadjutor Archbishop of the same archdiocese.
Archbishop Turnšek had been serving as Coadjutor Archbishop of the same archdiocese.
02 February 2011
Now with 30,000 Bishops on the site
Thanks to a "snow day" at work, I was able to do a little bit of data entry on the website today. In doing so, it passed a milestone: it now has data on 30,000 Bishops.
Here is a quick table showing how the data has expanded over time:
(Note: there are a few "bishops" on the site that are not really bishops. These are mostly either ordinaries of a jurisdiction such as a prefecture or cardinals that were not also bishops.)
Here is a quick table showing how the data has expanded over time:
Year | Month | Bishops | Months from previous |
2002 | Jun | 5,000 | |
2002 | Nov | 10,000 | 5 |
2003 | Oct | 15,000 | 11 |
2006 | Sep | 20,000 | 35 |
2009 | Jan | 25,000 | 28 |
2011 | Feb | 30,000 | 25 |
(Note: there are a few "bishops" on the site that are not really bishops. These are mostly either ordinaries of a jurisdiction such as a prefecture or cardinals that were not also bishops.)
Peña Parra named Pakistan Apostolic Nuncio
Archbishop-elect Edgar Peña Parra was named Apostolic Nuncio to Pakistan.
The post had been vacant since Archbishop Adolfo Tito Yllana was named Apostolic Nuncio to Congo, Democratic Republic of in November 2010.
The post had been vacant since Archbishop Adolfo Tito Yllana was named Apostolic Nuncio to Congo, Democratic Republic of in November 2010.
Sánchez González retired, Rodríguez Martínez named Sigüenza-Guadalajara Bishop
Bishop José Sánchez González retired and Bishop Atilano Rodríguez Martínez was named Bishop of Sigüenza-Guadalajara, Spain.
Bishop Rodríguez Martínez had been serving as Bishop of Ciudad Rodrigo.
Bishop Rodríguez Martínez had been serving as Bishop of Ciudad Rodrigo.
Berzosa Martínez named Ciudad Rodrigo Bishop
Bishop Cecilio Raúl Berzosa Martínez was named Bishop of Ciudad Rodrigo, Spain.
Bishop Berzosa Martínez had been serving as Auxiliary Bishop of Oviedo.
Bishop Berzosa Martínez had been serving as Auxiliary Bishop of Oviedo.
García Centeno retired, Olaortúa Laspra named Iquitos vicar Apostolic
Bishop Julián García Centeno, O.S.A. retired and Bishop-elect Miguel Olaortúa Laspra, O.S.A. was named Vicar Apostolic of Iquitos, Peru and titular bishop of Abbir Maius.
Legrez named Albi Archbishop
Archbishop-designate Jean Marie Henri Legrez, O.P. was named Archbishop of Albi (-Castres-Lavaur), France.
The archdiocese had been vacant since Archbishop Pierre-Marie Joseph Carré was named Coadjutor Archbishop of Montpellier (-Lodève-Béziers-Agde-Saint-Pons-de-Thomières) in May 2010.
Archbishop-designate Legrez had been serving as Bishop of Saint-Claude.
The archdiocese had been vacant since Archbishop Pierre-Marie Joseph Carré was named Coadjutor Archbishop of Montpellier (-Lodève-Béziers-Agde-Saint-Pons-de-Thomières) in May 2010.
Archbishop-designate Legrez had been serving as Bishop of Saint-Claude.
Nieto Súa named San José del Guaviare Bishop
Bishop Francisco Antonio Nieto Súa was named Bishop of San José del Guaviare, Colombia.
The diocese had been vacant since Bishop Guillermo Orozco Montoya was named Bishop of Girardota in February 2010.
Bishop Nieto Súa had been serving as Auxiliary Bishop of Bogotá.
The diocese had been vacant since Bishop Guillermo Orozco Montoya was named Bishop of Girardota in February 2010.
Bishop Nieto Súa had been serving as Auxiliary Bishop of Bogotá.
Cadavid Marin named Sonsón-Rionegro Bishop
Bishop Fidel León Cadavid Marin was named Bishop of Sonsón-Rionegro, Colombia.
The diocese had been vacant since then-Bishop Ricardo Antonio Tobón Restrepo was named Archbishop of Medellín in February 2010.
Bishop Cadavid Marin had been serving as Bishop of Quibdó.
The diocese had been vacant since then-Bishop Ricardo Antonio Tobón Restrepo was named Archbishop of Medellín in February 2010.
Bishop Cadavid Marin had been serving as Bishop of Quibdó.
Cordeiro de Lima named Fortaleza Auxiliary
Bishop-elect Rosalvo Cordeiro de Lima was named Auxiliary Bishop of Fortaleza, Ceara, Brazil and titular bishop of Castellum Tatroportus.
01 February 2011
Vukšić named first Bosnia and Herzegovina, Military Bishop
Bishop-elect Tomo Vukšić was named Bishop of the newly erected Bosnia and Herzegovina, Military Ordinariate.
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- Corral Mantilla retired as Riobamba Bishop
- Sfeir resigned as Antioch (Maronite) Patriarch
- Waltersheid named Pittsburgh Auxiliary
- Poletto retired, Pellegrini named Concordia-Porden...
- Sterzinsky retired as Berlin Archbishop
- Victor retired as Brasilia Auxiliary
- Lona retired, Martínez Perea succeeded as San Luis...
- Adams named Greece Nuncio
- Kalathiparambil named Pastoral Care of Migrants an...
- Tremblay retired, Lemay named Amos Bishop
- Lacroix named Québec Archbishop
- Hudsyn, Kockerols, and Lemmens named Mechelen-Brus...
- Six Cardinal-Deacons become Cardinal-Priests
- Version 2.6.8 and a General Refresh
- Jurkovič named Russian Federation Nuncio
- Nsue Edjang Mayé named Ebebiyin Bishop
- D’Annibale named Río Gallegos Auxiliary
- Mamza named Yola Bishop
- Alves de Souza named Porto Auxiliary
- Gonçalves Heleno retired, Messias de Oliveira name...
- Falcão de Barros named Brazil, Military Auxiliary
- Mendes Tavares named Belém do Pará Auxiliary
- Duffy retired, Chinyemba named Mongu Bishop
- Francis retired, Zeigler succeeded as Monrovia Arc...
- Rouet retired as Poitiers Archbishop
- Cheenath retired, Barwa named Cuttack-Bhubaneswar ...
- Impfondo, Congo elevated, Gardin named Bishop
- Abagna Mossa named Owando Bishop
- Husar retires as Kyiv-Halyč Major Archbishop
- Janusz named Slovenia Nuncio
- Lilongwe elevated to Archdiocese, Sainte-Marie nam...
- Luluga retired, Wanok named Nebbi Bishop
- Vecchi retired as Bologna Auxiliary
- Lee Seong-hyo named Suwon Auxiliary
- Schneider named Maria Santissima in Astana Auxiliary
- Lenga resigned, Kaleta named Karaganda Bishop
- Kramberger resigned, Turnšek succeeded as Maribor ...
- Now with 30,000 Bishops on the site
- Peña Parra named Pakistan Apostolic Nuncio
- Sánchez González retired, Rodríguez Martínez named...
- Berzosa Martínez named Ciudad Rodrigo Bishop
- García Centeno retired, Olaortúa Laspra named Iqui...
- Legrez named Albi Archbishop
- Nieto Súa named San José del Guaviare Bishop
- Cadavid Marin named Sonsón-Rionegro Bishop
- Cordeiro de Lima named Fortaleza Auxiliary
- Vukšić named first Bosnia and Herzegovina, Militar...