
19 February 2021

Howlader named Chattogram Archbishop

Archbishop-designate Lawrence Subrata Howlader, C.S.C. was named Archbishop of Chattogram, Bangladesh.

The archdiocese had been vacant since the death of Archbishop Moses Montu Costa, C.S.C. in July 2020.

Archbishop-designate Howlader had been serving as Bishop of Barisal.

05 February 2021

Miles named Benin Nuncio

Archbishop-elect Mark Gerard Miles was named Apostolic Nuncio to Benin and Titular Archbishop of Città Ducale.

The post had been vacant since Archbishop Brian Udaigwe was named Apostolic Nuncio to Sri Lanka in June 2020.

02 February 2021

Vayalunkal named Tunisia Nuncio

Archbishop Kurian Mathew Vayalunkal was named Apostolic Nuncio to Tunisia in addition to his other posts.

The post had been vacant since Archbishop Luciano Russo was named Apostolic Nuncio to Panama in August 2020.

Yu Soo-il retired, Seo Sang-Bum named Korea, Military Bishop

Bishop Francis Xavier Yu Soo-il, O.F.M. retired and Bishop-elect Titus Seo Sang-Bum was named Bishop of Korea, Military.

Rugambwa named Cook Islands Nuncio

Archbishop Novatus Rugambwa was named Apostolic Nuncio to Cook Islands, Pacific (Oceania) in addition to his other posts.

The post had been vacant since Archbishop Martin Krebs was named Apostolic Nuncio to Uruguay in June 2018.

Nhanganga Tyombe named Uije Bishop

Bishop-elect Joaquim Nhanganga Tyombe was named Bishop of Uije, Angola.

The diocese had been vacant since Bishop Emílio Sumbelelo was named Bishop of Viana in February 2019.

Lucas named Gurué Bishop

Bishop-elect Inácio Lucas was named Bishop of Gurué, Mozambique.

The diocese had been vacant since the death of Bishop Francisco Lerma Martínez, I.M.C. in April 2019.

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