
12 December 2014

Jiménez Zamora named Zaragoza Archbishop

Archbishop-designate Vicente Jiménez Zamora was named Archbishop of Zaragoza, Spain.

The archdiocese had been vacant since the resignation of Archbishop Manuel Ureña Pastor in November 2014.

Archbishop-designate Jiménez Zamora had been serving as Bishop of Santander.

Pasqualotto named Napo Vicar Apostolic

Bishop-elect Adelio Pasqualotto, C.S.I. was named Vicar Apostolic of Napo, Ecuador and titular bishop of Abthugni.

The post had been vacant since Bishop Celmo Lazzari, C.S.I. was named Vicar Apostolic of San Miguel de Sucumbíos in November 2013.

11 December 2014

Consistory to Create New Cardinals - 2015

The Holy See has announced the intention of Pope Francis to hold a Consistory to Create New Cardinals on 14 February 2015.

No names or even a suggestion of how many new cardinals was provided. In the past, the names have been given roughly a month before the Consistory, so early to mid-January 2015.

On the date of the consistory, there will be 110 Cardinal Electors, meaning 10 open slots for electors, although nothing prevents the Pope from creating more than that number. At the last such creation (in February 2014), Pope Francis created 16 new electors for a total of 122 (2 over the limit).

Helpful links:
* Current Cardinal Electors by Age
* Current Cardinals by Rank

08 December 2014

do Nascimento Vieira Dias named Luanda Archbishop

Archbishop-designate Filomeno do Nascimento Vieira Dias was named Archbishop of Luanda, Angola.

The archdiocese had been vacant since the death of Archbishop Damião António Franklin in April 2014.

Archbishop-designate do Nascimento Vieira Dias had been serving as Bishop of Cabinda.

05 December 2014

Sulumeti retired, Obanyi Sagwe named Kakamega Bishop

Bishop Philip Sulumeti retired and Bishop-elect Joseph Obanyi Sagwe was named Bishop of Kakamega, Kenya.

Bishop Sulumeti was appointed the first Bishop of Kakamega when the diocese was erected in 1978 - by Pope Paul VI.

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