
22 March 2014

Miranda Guardiola and Pérez Talamantes named Monterrey Auxiliaries

Bishop-elect Alfonso Gerardo Miranda Guardiola and Bishop-elect Juan Armando Pérez Talamantes were named Auxiliary Bishops of Monterrey, Nuevo León, México and titular bishops of Idicra and Auzegera, respectively.

Nguyên Van Tot named Sri Lanka Nuncio

Archbishop Pierre Nguyên Van Tot was named Apostolic Nuncio to Sri Lanka.

The post had been vacant since Archbishop Joseph Spiteri was named Apostolic Nuncio to Côte d’Ivoire in October 2013.

Archbishop Nguyên Van Tot had been serving as Apostolic Nuncio to Costa Rica.

López Quintana named Estonia and Latvia Nuncio

Archbishop Pedro López Quintana was named Apostolic Nuncio to Estonia and Apostolic Nuncio to Latvia in addition to his other posts.

Pham Minh Mân retired, Bùi Văn Ðoc succeeded as Thành-Phô Hô Chí Minh Archbishop

Jean-Baptiste Cardinal Pham Minh Mân retired and Archbishop Paul Bùi Văn Ðoc succeeded as Archbishop of Thành-Phô Hô Chí Minh (Hôchiminh Ville), Viet Nam.

Archbishop Bùi Văn Ðoc had been serving as Coadjutor Archbishop of the same archdiocese.

18 March 2014

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