
01 March 2011

Version 2.6.9 - Eastern Catholic Churches

I had the opportunity to make some adjustments to the code today and I've made a first cut at cleaning up the handling of the Eastern Catholic Churches.

Let me begin by saying, its not near done - but hopefully its better. I have added some internal structures which should allow some additional flexibility in the future. Since I know I will be making more revisions, I have not done a general refresh, so the changes will only show on pages as they are updated.

Some examples:
FYI, in the lower right corner of any automated page on the website has the version of the code that generated that page and the date of the data as well.

Feedback is most certainly welcome, just use the regular feedback form on the website.

Please be patient though, after all this is just a hobby done in my spare time. I don't always have time to response to every message, but be assured I do read and consider them.

P.S. My copy of the Annuario Pontificio 2011 is on the way. Hopefully I'll have a chance to work with the new data in the coming months.

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