Announcements of recent changes in the hierarchy of the Catholic Church. This blog serves as a supplement to the main Catholic-Hierarchy website. Note: this blog and the website are NOT officially sanctioned or approved by any church authority.
30 May 2014
Okoye named Awka Auxiliary
Bishop-elect Jonas Benson Okoye was named Auxiliary Bishop of Awka, Nigeria and titular bishop of Masclianae.
Blog Archive
- Kusy named Kaga-Bandoro Coadjutor
- Bekker retired as Paramaribo Bishop
- Okoye named Awka Auxiliary
- Giulietti named Perugia-Città della Pieve Auxiliary
- Burger named Freiburg im Breisgau Archbishop
- Erected: Sfântul Vasile cel Mare de Bucureşti, Fră...
- Chaves Pinto Filho retired, Majella Delgado named ...
- and 25,000,000 visits later
- Moschych named Ivano-Frankivsk Auxiliary
- Lepa retired as Łódź Auxiliary
- González Valer retired as Washington Auxiliary
- González González named Caroni Vicar
- Agnesi, Martinelli, and Tremolada named Milano Aux...
- Khazoumian retired as Coadjutor Archbishop of Ista...
- Rawsthorne retired, Heskett named Hallam Bishop
- Kowalczyk retired, Polak named Gniezno Archbishop
- Díaz Díaz named San Cristóbal de Las Casas Coadjutor
- Lozano Zafra retired, Villa Vahos named Ocaña Bishop
- Zandonade resigned as Colatina Bishop
- Barbosa dos Santos named Tefé Prelate
- Jones retired, Doran named Elphin Bishop
- Papamanólis retired, Stefanou named Syros and Sant...
- Erected: Imaculada Conceição in Prudentópolis; Maz...
- São João Batista em Curitiba elevated to Archeparchy
- Styrna resigned, Jezierski named Elbląg Bishop
- Cibotti named Isernia-Venafro Bishop
- Bilung named Ranchi Auxiliary
- Oliva named Locri-Gerace Bishop
- Krebs named Marshall Islands and Nauru Nuncio
- Zora retired as Mar Addai of Toronto Bishop
- Ibrahim retired, Kalabat named Saint Thomas the Ap...